Sunday, January 23, 2011

Kalai's First Debut

To Nursery! The picture above was taken after we got home from church today. You can see how happy she is! Now that she is eighteen months old Kalai is in a Nursery Class at church. Today was a bittersweet day for me. I knew I was gonna miss Kalai but at the same time I knew that having Kalai in nursery would help me be able to fulfill my Church responsibilities. I am the YW secretary and I work with the girls on their Personal Progress. So every week I try to pull the girls aside and get updated on what they have been working on. Things went more smoothly today and I got alot more done without having to chase Kalai down the hallways. But what really helped the most was knowing that Kalai was going to have a great time. And we were right. All her nursery leaders told us that she did just fine. When I walked in to pick her up, she was dancing. As soon as she saw us, Kalai wanted to show us all the new toys in the nursery room. Kalai is a super social little girl so I knew that she would love all this playtime with kids her own age. To prep for nursery, Michael and I have been teaching the nursery lesson that is going to be taught to her ahead of time for Family Home Evening and then I try to do a quick review everyday. Also, we taught her the song Popcorn Poppin' which is a popular nursery song. She can sing some of the words and do the hand motions too. She got a little shy for the video camera but if you watch the video, you can see her sing her little heart out!

And here are a few quick shots Michael took of us.

Proud of my Baby Girl!

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